Source code for sksurgeryarucotracker.algorithms.rigid_bodies

""" Classes and functions for maintaining ArUco rigid bodies """

import numpy
from cv2 import aruco
from sksurgeryarucotracker.algorithms.registration_2d3d import \
                estimate_poses_no_calibration, estimate_poses_with_calibration

[docs]class Board(): """ A local replacement for aruco.Board which was deprecated at 4.7 """ def __init__(self, markerpoints, dictionary, marker_ids): """ :param markerpoints: an n * 12 list of marker corners in 3D :param dictionary: a dictionary, based on opencv dictionary types :param marker_ids: a list of n marker ids, corresponding to markerpoints """ number_of_markers = markerpoints.shape[0] if number_of_markers != len(marker_ids): raise ValueError("Unequal number of markers detected in"+ " markerpoints and marker_ids") self.corner_points = [] for marker_index in range(number_of_markers): cornerpoints = markerpoints[marker_index] assert len(cornerpoints) == 12 cornerpoints.shape=(4,3) self.corner_points.append(cornerpoints) self.dictionary = dictionary self.ids = marker_ids
def _make_aruco_board(markers, dictionary): """ Makes a cv2.aruco.board from an array of 5 or 4 3D points plus marker IDs. First column of markers should be marker ids, next 15 or 12 columns are 3d coordinates """ dictionary = aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(dictionary) #format of ID first, then 15 or 12 columns boardshape=markers.shape if boardshape[0] < 1: raise ValueError("Marker pattern appears to have no markers") try: _ = boardshape[1] except IndexError: markers = markers.reshape(1, boardshape[0]) boardshape=markers.shape if boardshape[1] != 16 and boardshape[1] != 13: raise ValueError("Marker pattern should have either 5 or 4 3D points") marker_ids = markers[:,0].astype('int') markerpoints = markers[:,1:13] if boardshape[1] == 16: markerpoints = markers[:,4:16].astype('float32') return Board(markerpoints, dictionary, marker_ids)
[docs]def load_board_from_file(filename, dictionary = aruco.DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL): """ loads marker pattern from filename. :return: an aruco.board :raise ValueError: If the file does not have 16 or 13 columns """ markers = numpy.loadtxt(filename) return _make_aruco_board(markers, dictionary)
[docs]def configure_rigid_bodies(configuration): """ reads configuration and creates a list of rigid bodies together with a list of dictionaries used. """ dictionary_name = configuration.get("aruco dictionary", 'DICT_4X4_50') try: ar_dictionary_name = getattr(aruco, dictionary_name) except AttributeError: raise ImportError((f'Failed when trying to import {dictionary_name}' 'from cv2.aruco. Check dictionary exists.')) \ from AttributeError ar_dicts = [] ar_dict_names = [] ar_dicts.append(aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(ar_dictionary_name)) ar_dict_names.append(dictionary_name) rigid_bodies = [] rigid_body_configs = configuration.get('rigid bodies', []) for rigid_body_config in rigid_body_configs: rigid_body = ArUcoRigidBody(rigid_body_config.get('name','no name')) filename = rigid_body_config.get('filename', None) if filename is None: raise ValueError('rigid body configuration must include filename') dictionary_name = rigid_body_config.get('aruco dictionary', 'DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL') try: ar_dictionary_name = getattr(aruco, dictionary_name) except AttributeError: raise ImportError((f'Failed when trying to import {dictionary_name}' 'from cv2.aruco. Check dictionary exists.')) \ from AttributeError rigid_body.load_3d_points(filename, dictionary_name) tag_width = rigid_body_config.get('tag width', None) if tag_width is not None: rigid_body.scale_3d_tags(tag_width) rigid_bodies.append(rigid_body) if dictionary_name not in ar_dict_names: ar_dict_names.append(dictionary_name) ar_dicts.append(aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(ar_dictionary_name)) return ar_dicts, ar_dict_names, rigid_bodies
[docs]def single_tag_board(tag_size, marker_id, dictionary = aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(aruco.DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL)): """ Create a board consisting of a single ArUco tag :param: tag size in mm :param: marker id :param: dictionary to use """ tag = numpy.array([[ -tag_size/2.0, -tag_size/2.0, 0., tag_size/2.0, -tag_size/2.0, 0., tag_size/2.0, tag_size/2.0, 0., -tag_size/2.0, tag_size/2.0, 0.]], dtype=numpy.float32) marker_ids = numpy.array([marker_id]) return Board(tag, dictionary, marker_ids)
[docs]def scale_tags(board, measured_pattern_width): """ We can scale the tag on a board, which is very useful if you've got the tag on your mobile phone. :param: the board to scale :param measured_pattern_width: Width of the tag in mm """ number_of_tags=len(board.corner_points) model_pattern_width = min(numpy.ptp([i[:, 0] for i in board.corner_points]), numpy.ptp([i[:, 1] for i in board.corner_points])) scale_factor = measured_pattern_width/model_pattern_width scaled_board = [] for tag in board.corner_points: tag *= scale_factor scaled_board.append(tag) scaled_board_np = numpy.array(scaled_board) scaled_board_np.shape = (number_of_tags, 12) return Board(scaled_board_np, board.dictionary, board.ids)
[docs]class TwoDTags(): """ Stores two linked arrays, on of tag IDs and the other 2D points """ def __init__(self): self.points = [] self.ids = []
[docs] def append_tag(self, tag_id, points): """ Adds a tag to the two point list :param tag_id: The id of the tag :param points: 4 points defining the tag corners """ self.points.append(points) self.ids.append(tag_id)
[docs]class ArUcoRigidBody(): """ Class to handle the loading and registering of ArUco Rigid Bodies """ def __init__(self, rigid_body_name): """ Initialises the RigidBody class. """ self._ar_board = None self._tags_2d = TwoDTags() = rigid_body_name self._default_tags = None self._dictionary_name = "Not Set"
[docs] def reset_2d_points(self): """ Clears 2D point lists. """ self._tags_2d = TwoDTags()
[docs] def set_2d_points(self, two_d_points, tag_ids): """ takes a list of 2 points, and if the id's match 3D points, assigns them to a list of 2d points :param two_d_points: array of marker corners, 4 for each tag :param tag_ids: id for each tag :return: tag ids for any assigned tags """ tags_assigned = [] for index, tag_id in enumerate(tag_ids): if tag_id in self._ar_board.ids: self._tags_2d.append_tag(tag_id, two_d_points[index]) tags_assigned.append(tag_id) self._default_tags = two_d_points return tags_assigned
[docs] def load_3d_points(self, filename, dictionaryname): """ Loads the 3D point geometry from a file :param filename: Path of file containing tag data """ self._dictionary_name = dictionaryname ar_dictionary_name = getattr(aruco, dictionaryname) self._ar_board = load_board_from_file(filename, ar_dictionary_name)
[docs] def add_single_tag(self, tag_size, marker_id, dictionary): """ We can use this to track single ArUco tags rather than patterns as long as we know the tag size in mm :param: tag size in mm :param: marker id/_ """ self._ar_board = single_tag_board(tag_size, marker_id, dictionary)
[docs] def scale_3d_tags(self, measured_pattern_width): """ We can scale the tag, which is very useful if you've got the tag on your mobile phone. :param measured_pattern_width: Width of the tag in mm """ self._ar_board = scale_tags(self._ar_board, measured_pattern_width)
[docs] def get_pose(self, camera_projection_matrix, camera_distortion): """ Estimate the pose of the rigid body, with or without camera calibration :param: camera_projection_matrix 3x3 projection matrix. If None we estimate pose based on pattern size :param: 1x5 camera distortion vector """ if camera_projection_matrix is None: return estimate_poses_no_calibration(self._tags_2d.points, self._ar_board) return estimate_poses_with_calibration( self._tags_2d.points, self._tags_2d.ids, self._ar_board, camera_projection_matrix, camera_distortion)
[docs] def get_dictionary_name(self): """returns the name of the aruco dictionary in use""" return self._dictionary_name